Spesenfuchs Support


DATEV export interface

  • General
  • Accounting
  • DATEV Lohn und Gehalt


For the DATEV export you need the advisor number and the client number

Please note that the client number must be between 1001 and 99999 and the advisor number between 1 and 99999.


Via the selection Posting text you specify which information the posting text in the DATEV export files should contain. 

If you use a different fiscal year, store the start month. If the fiscal year is the same as the calendar year, then set the start to January. The information will be used in the DATEV export file and specifies the basic period for the export.

If you set the option DATEV fixed entry indicator, you give the DATEV exports the information that the entry is to be fixed in Kanzlei Rechnungswesen. This means that a change is no longer possible.

How the individual DATEV export files are structured is explained in this blog post.


Enter the wage types that you use in DATEV LODAS. As a rule, the stored wage types do not need to be changed. The standards are as follows:

Lump sum/reduction tax-free9979Posting key 3
Flat rate 25% taxable202 or own wage typePosting key 2
Lump sum fully taxable202 or own wage typePosting key 2
Kilometer, taxable852Posting key 3
Kilometer, tax free9978Posting key 3
Non-cash benefit235 or own wage typePosting key 2
Payment200Posting key 2
Travel expenses, deduction


Posting key 3

Payment via LODAS

If the option is activated, the payment to the employee takes place via LODAS and the above mentioned wage types are used.
Deactivate this option if travel expenses and meal allowances must be accounted for on the wage tax statement, but no longer paid out. In this case, Spesenfuchs creates an additional posting with a net deduction and negative sign for each wage type during export. If the net deduction is to be made to a different wage type, please enter the additional wage type separated by a "/", e.g. 9978/99781. Only one wage type can be stored for the "Payment" and "Travel expenses, deduction" wage types.

Lump sum/reduction tax-free9979Posting key 3
Flat rate 25% taxable202 or own wage typePosting key 2
Lump sum fully taxable202 or own wage typePosting key 2
Kilometer, tax free9978Posting key 3
Kilometer, taxable852Posting key 3

When the export is done, you will receive a ZIP file. Download the file and unzip it. You can now import the contained text file into DATEV LODAS according to the following DATEV instructions.

If you have used DATEV Reisekosten classic so far and have the problem that no travel expenses are to be paid out when importing into LODAS, please check whether you had stored a subsequent deduction. You may have to remove this.

Further information, in particular on wage types and posting keys, can also be found in the DATEV help under the following links on travel expenses, additional expenses for meals and overnight stays and on meals.

LODAS billing month

The LODAS billing month determines which date is output in the export file. Use the dates during export to specify which trips should be included in the export.

The options explained by example:

Last month
We are in August. In the export file, July is listed as the month. Thus, the data goes into the July payroll.

Current month
We are in August. In the export file, August is listed as the month. Thus, the data goes into the August payroll.

Following month
We are in August. In the export file, September is listed as the month. Thus, the data goes into the September payroll.

Travel month
We are in August. In the export file, the month in which the trip started is listed. Please note that LODAS accepts only one month within a file. I.e. in the period selection you must commit to one month

DATEV Lohn und Gehalt

In the Wage and Salary area, you store the wage types for the transfer of travel expenses to DATEV Lohn und Gehalt.

If you do not want to transfer a type of payment, leave the field blank.

The payroll month is used to specify which date will be output in the export file. Use the dates during export to specify which trips should be included in the export.

The options explained by example:

Last month
We are in August. In the export file, July is listed as the month. Thus, the data goes into the July payroll.

Current month
We are in August. In the export file, August is listed as the month. Thus, the data goes into the August payroll.

Following month
We are in August. In the export file, September is listed as the month. Thus, the data goes into the September payroll.

Travel month
We are in August. In the export file, the month in which the trip started is listed. Please note that Wage and Salary accepts only one month within a file. I.e. in the period selection you must commit to one month.

The transfer takes place according to this description:


The wage types are listed here:


3 files are created during an export for DATEV Lohn und Gehalt:

  • A file with the transaction data
  • A file with the information about the capital letter M for the income tax certificate. This includes master data. The import is done via Client level | Import master data | from this PC |
  • A file for one-time setup with the manufacturer format description

You can import the ini file for the manufacturer format description into DATEV Lohn und Gehalt as follows:

  • In Lohn und Gehalt at the office level, call up the menu item Extras | ASCII Import Wizard.
  • Select the New button.
  • Now all buttons except Import will be grayed out.
  • Then enter your own designation in the free field under Manufacturer format designation, e.g. Enter travel expenses expense fox and click Import.
  • Now the INI file can be selected. The format description is stored with it.

This must be used when importing transaction data. (Client level | Import transaction data | in drop-down)

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