Spesenfuchs Support


sevdesk Export Interface


sevdesk is an online accounting software. If you use sevdesk, you can configure the interface here and automatically transfer all bookings and receipts to sevDesk.

sevdesk token

To connect to sevdesk you need your personal token from sevdesk. With this you authenticate yourself as a user at sevdesk. You can find the token in the sevdesk application under Settings -> Users. Select your user and click Show next to the API Token field. Copy the complete token and paste it in Spesenfuchs in the sevdesk Token field. Watch as video tutorial

Interface active

In order to use the interface, you must enable the interface. To do this, check the Interface active box. This will show the export to sevdesk in the export targets (only relevant for manual export) and you can set further options.

Synchronize automatically

You can perform a manual export to sevdesk if you select sevdesk under Export in the main menu. But much more comfortable is the automatic export. Once you have finished setting up the interface, you will not need to do anything for export in the future. Each completed trip is automatically transferred to sevdesk during the night. You will then see on the dashboard in the Export section if the transfer was successful or if you need to manually enter missing information.

Send email to me after automatic export

This option will send you an e-mail when the automatic export has been performed and data has been transferred or an error has occurred. If there is no travel for the transfer, you will not receive an email.

Transfer receipt date

Spesenfuchs transfers the start date of the trip for each receipt. If you want to transfer the stored receipt date per receipt to sevdesk instead of the trip date, activate this option.

Check and save

Once you have activated the interface, save your settings. A check is performed automatically in this case.

  • Can a connection be established with sevdesk
  • Is the chart of accounts in sevdesk and Spesenfuchs identical?
  • Are all required accounts available
  • Do all users in Spesenfuchs have a unique personnel number

Spesenfuchs tries to automate as much as possible. However, for some information you have to decide and deposit the correct information. Please follow the instructions of the exam assistant.

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