The receipt types used in Spesenfuchs can be found under Settings -> Accounting in the tab Receipt types. When you enter a receipt in Spesenfuchs, you assign it to a receipt type. Through the receipt type, Spesenfuchs knows which additional fields (e.g. for an entertainment participant and location) are relevant and which tax rates are usually to be used for these costs.
Each receipt type has an account. This is needed in the reports and for export.
If you are working with a predefined chart of accounts (SKR03/SKR04) in Spesenfuchs, the accounts of the receipt types are displayed, but it is not possible to change them. If you have stored a user-defined chart of accounts on the Chart of Accounts page, then you can change the accounts for each receipt type. Make sure that each receipt type has an account - even if you do not use the receipt type or have hidden it.
Showing and hiding a receipt type
Behind each document type you will find a switch. Normally, all switches are switched on. This means that all receipt types are offered to you during receipt entry. If you do not want to display certain receipt types or do not need them, you can set the switch for the corresponding receipt types to off.
If a hidden receipt type has already been used in a receipt, it remains in this receipt. Likewise, a receipt with a subsequently hidden receipt type can be copied.
If you import a receipt with automatic receipt recognition and it recognises a receipt type that you have hidden, it will not be used.
Export to your accounting department
The accounts you have stored are used for the export. There are certain accounting systems, such as lexoffice or Debitoor, which do not work with accounts but internal IDs when importing the accounting data from Spesenfuchs. In these cases, changing the accounts has no effect.